Keep Calm and Adopt a Cat T-Shirt

Keep Calm and Love Cats T-Shirt

This fun t-shirt uses the familiar British wartime propaganda slogan, but with cats! The text reads Keep Calm and Love Cats. Instead of a crown icon above the phrase, there is a silhouette of a cat. This darling spoof design for cat lovers is shown here on a red...

Cats: The Original Weighted Blanket

This funny sweatshirt made for cat lovers references to the recent emergence of weighted blankets as mainstream objects of comfort and aids to restful, stress-free sleep. Cat owners have known about the benefits of sleeping under weight for years -- especially when that weight is softly purring...

It's Not Cat Hair, It's Glitter! Funny Cat Lover T-Shirt

This t-shirt is perfect for cat owners who are happy to own up to carrying a bit of their four-legged friend with them everywhere they go, in the form of cat hair. It's just like glitter in that it gets everywhere! This funny design used a distressed text style...

Funny Leave Me Alone Cat Lover Sweatshirt

Get ready for a relaxing day at home with your furbaby with this this funny slogan sweatshirt. A silhouette cat features large among the slogan text that reads "Leave me alone. I'm only speaking to my cat today". The unique design uses tan letters and a tan...