Funny Books As Written By Cats

These funny books are written from the perspective of cats, offering imagined insight from our furry friends. The books contain short letters or poems which makes them ideal for a quick laugh. These gag books make a fun holiday or birthday gift idea or as a housewarming gift for a new cat owner. You can purchase each of these titles as a physical paper book or as a Kindle download, to suit your recipient and gift-giving needs.

The Cat's Guide to Human Behavior

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This book is written as if by a cat, for other cats to read and understand the behavior they see in their humans.

Sorry I Barfed On Your Bed | Letters from Kitty

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This funny 64 page book contains funny photos accompanying imagined letters from cats on a variety of topics. This popular books is highly rated by cat owners as giving the cat authors an authentic voice.

You Need More Sleep: Advice From Cats

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This darling book for cat lovers is 112 pages and includes short pieces of advice for humans as written by cats. Advice is categorized into sections including Personal Relationships (Always Stay at Least 30 Feet from a Loved One), Social Interaction (Be Adorable), and Career Advancement (Act Like You Don't Understand English).

I Could Pee on This | Poems by Cats

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This funny 112 page book includes odes as if written by kitties in a variety of topics, including Family, Work, Play, and Existence. The poems are written in a variety of styles and are quick reads for a fast pick-me-up laugh. This popular book has its own follow-up title: I Could Pee on This Too: And More Poems by More Cats (Poetry Book for Cat Lovers, Cat Humor Books, Funny Gift Book).

Think Like A Cat Kindle Book

This wonderful book, Think Like a Cat: How to Raise a Well-Adjusted Cat--Not a Sour Puss, is a sort of guide to raising and living with companion cats. I read this book years ago when we first added cats to our family and it helped us to...

Cat Dad Gift Ideas for Father's Day

If you're looking for a fun gift idea for your cat's "father figure", look no further. Find the perfect present for the man who is most present in kitty's life. Fathers and father figures come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and so do their children, including the...

Funny Cat Butt Adult Coloring Book

Adult coloring books are popular for those interested in a relaxing and creative hobby. While the coloring pages designed for adults are often elaborate images with many fine lines, this funny coloring books features simpler, stylized images of cat rear ends. This highly rated adult coloring book features...

How To Speak Cat Book | Cat Language Understanding Guide

Cats, with their enigmatic personalities and mysterious behaviors, have always been fascinating companions. Understanding these furry friends, however, can sometimes feel like deciphering a complex code. That's where Dr. Gary Weitzman’s book How To Speak Cat comes in, a treasure trove of insights designed to bridge the...