Adorable Cat Paw Mousepad with Wrist Cushion

Happy Father's Day to All Cat Dads!

We wish all cat dads out there a very happy Father's Day! Our feline companions bring us so much joy and this is a great day to honor anyone who plays a dad role to one of our furry friends. Cleaning the litter box, preparing and serving meals,...

Keep Calm and Love Cats T-Shirt

This fun t-shirt uses the familiar British wartime propaganda slogan, but with cats! The text reads Keep Calm and Love Cats. Instead of a crown icon above the phrase, there is a silhouette of a cat. This darling spoof design for cat lovers is shown here on a red...

Cute I Work Hard So My Cat Can Live a Better Life Gifts for Cat Lovers

This darling cartoon design features a sweet plump cartoon cat sitting upright with her eyes closed. The little chonk is captioned with a fun slogan that reads "I Work Hard So My Cat Can Live a Better Life" in all capital letters. The design is done...

Funny Cat Lover T-Shirt for Pi Day!

Pi Day is a fun holiday meant to celebrate the mathematical constant of Pi, or π. The event is observed each year on March 14, which is taken from the first three digits of Pi: 3.14. Pi Day was actually recognized by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2009!...